Series Bibles and Why You Want One

Traci | 29 April 2021

Series Bibles and Why You Want One

Traci | 29 Apr 2021

A series bible, or book bible, helps you keep track of your characters and all the systems, places, and magic swords in one place. It also functions as a handy guide for when HBO finally options your series.

It’s difficult to remember if your main character’s best friend’s brother has green eyes, or if he is the one that wears the necklace that comes into play in Book Three. Readers will notice little details that an author, writing the Big Picture, can easily miss. A bible is a great reference, especially as you are building out your world and adding sequels. A typical bible has sections for things like characters, settings, magic items, and overall world building. Some have full character sheets for each main character, listing appearance, relationships, and general disposition.


  • Tierial Montgomery
    • space fighter
    • half-Blorgosian
    • silver hair in traditional buns until Book 3
    • ice blue eyes
    • taller than average due to Blorgosian heritage
    • Dad – Commander Frond Montgomery
    • Sister – Veruca Naclan (deceased)
    • Unit – Gold Leader Seven (Farrah, Simone, Brock)

Other things you can include, depending on your books, are time passage, seasons, maps, magical abilities, etc.

It’s surprising what you will forget, especially once you’ve written other characters, places, and dastardly deeds.

When Netflix and HBO and Paramount Pictures comes knocking on your door, they will ask for a book bible. A lot of people work on producing media, and they are going to need a “cheat sheet”, for casting, costuming, locations, sets, all kinds of things.

They will need to know things like:

How does the magic work? Is there technology and if so, how does it function? Do you need a family tree? Does your main character need to wear that green hat? This is exactly what a series bible will tell them.

I have written a series bible that combines two sets of trilogies as well as a stand alone, all in the same world with different and interchanging characters. I would love to write yours as well!

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